Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wake up in the morning feeling like an egg

Well...not exactly.   I am envious of those rare morning people that roll out of bed and immediately have a perky smile on their face; I don't know how many of you are that way. I am your typical groggy eyed roll out of bed kind of girl.  With an all too unfortunate caffeine addiction, that many of you are most likely familiar with. If you are, then you will know all too well what I experienced this morning, that gritty headache, the one that has your head in your hands until those first sips of delightful liquid energy save you.  For me, my caffeine addiction is a vicious cycle, I drink it to keep me awake during the day, it then continues into the night not allowing me to sleep and then I drink some more medicinally the next day just to feel human.  As of today, I am doomed to continue this vicious cycle since I am highly caffeinated as I write this. 

I will associate my current rambling with the jittery caffeinated person I am right now.  This morning, after ridding myself of the grittiest headache of them all, I felt inspired and created another masterpiece of an omelet.  

The eggsperiment of the day consisted of:
Two eggs

It was a sad looking masterpiece with the majority of its fillings spilling out of the sides, not folded correctly and lacking in just about every aspect that would make it a respectable omelet. But, regardless of looks, it all tastes the same.  In order to make it I cooked the mushrooms, onions and peppers on one side of the grill and mixed the eggs and cooked them on the other side.  Putt the fillings in the middle, sprinkled cheese on top and folded it over.  This last part was a bit more difficult than I had thought, the reason behind it being an especially unattractive omelet.  But, I will eventually get down the key to making the most beautiful and tastiest omelet. Try to make this omelet and I am sure you can make it both tasty and attractive. 


  1. I really love the concept of your blog and it makes me want to try out the egg station, despite the fact that I'm a failure of a chef. Can't wait to hear of your next eggsperiment!

  2. I don't like eggs but your blog made me want to make some anyway. Over the summer I worked in a deli and worked mostly on the grill. This meant a ton of egg sandwiches every day (and some western omelettes...) but anyway did you put the toppings on, flip it, and then fold it (after you flip it back to the original side)? That may help make it more attractive! :)

  3. Your blog makes me really hungry. I wonder if it would be possible for you to take some pictures of your cooking process without it looking really weird in the dhall; that could be a really interesting addition to your blog. Keep it up!

  4. I think Dillon's suggestion is a really great one. I think it would be awesome to have pictures of all the egg creations you make. Love the way your writing. It is very fun and interesting. Cant wait to hear what you make next week.

  5. Pictures of your "Failures" would be funny too, yes?
