Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My first customer!

 To be honest, I'm sick of eggs.  So, tonight I had my first real customer.  And she loved it! I was a little worried that it wasn't all the way cooked, but there were no complaints.  The eggsperiment of the night?


I did have one bite, and if I do say so myself it was reeeaaal good.. and look at that artistic arrangement! I'm a little worried about what I'm going to do next, because I've exaughsted most of the vegetables available.  Next week's eggsperiment...chocolate chips? Anybody want to try it?

I really hate how old habits die hard.  It seems that no matter how many vows you make to yourself, they always manage to be broken.  I thought that by going to college I would be more organized, smaller living space would force me to be neat.  LOL. My room has become a black hole of food, clothes, books , shoes, shampoo that seems like it will never stop expanding.  Our fridge has been described as "sketchy" with some gooey brown liquid hardened on the side. Really puts you in the mood for one of my eggs huh? I walk into other dorm rooms and am shocked, how do they manage to make a warm cozy NEAT little space? HOW? Somebody enlighten me.  Anyways, I have vowed that this weekend I will get organized, I will clean until every crum is up from that carpet.  And then my friends, I will reward myself with an omelet.  I'm thinking of going grocery shopping this weekend for interesting ingredients. I want to try different cheeses. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your eggsperiments--clever title, by the way. I'm a waffle girl myself and eat them every day (whole wheat) with blueberries. They make my day. Your ongoing caffeine comments are hilarious. I need my morning cup as well or I just don't feel right. How can something that tastes so bad become so good? (Remember how awful coffee tasted the first time you drank it?)
